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Is this loan really a disgrace? Why so many people don't take loans easily these days

Is this loan really a disgrace? Why so many people don't take loans easily these days

Today, many people who need money don't want to open their mouths with friends and family but don't want them to know they are short of money. 還卡數Asking for a loan can make you feel ashamed.

So, is it really embarrassing to take out a loan?

Why are so many of us not receptive to business loans these days?

What impact do lending companies have on improving them?

Here are some of my comments.

There's a joke about loans,

What does it mean to take out a loan?

It's borrowing our chickens, and when they're done eating, then giving them back to us, the eggs are theirs, and you'll spend some money on feed!

--That's called a loan!

Some people may ask, I am not short of money, why do I need a loan?

It is not a lack of money to develop the need for loans, lack of money may not be able to loan money, loans are a social financing management tools, 借貸financial products tools, the ability to use these funds to leverage to earn more spread.

The purpose of commercial loans is to expand business, stockpiling, business upstream and downstream receivables will be more. In many cases, capital turnover is needed. At this point, the purpose of their loans is to make investments, expand their business, generate profits, and make more money.

There are also people who want to buy a house for a down payment, want to buy a car, want to travel, these are all making investments, for their families.

So, there is no shame in taking out a loan.

Nowadays, people have a hard time accepting loans. First of all, they think that loans are not reliable.

Before carrying out online there are things out because of 成立海外公司borrowing loan sharks, online loans, etc., but you should know that the loan must find a formal financial company, now China's Internet is developed is convenient, for this reason many of our scammers in the online bank to release false accounting information to trick you to get a loan, once you fall for it is very difficult to get rid of, generally through the formal business loan management company development are in order to be able to check on Baidu, there are also students The actual store, so this gives a lot of people heart is difficult to accept education loans.

Secondly, it means that the cost of the loan is too high.

Many friends ask what the interest rate on the loan is, and when they say more than a little they say it is usurious. This can be difficult for anyone who has not made a loan to accept the cost because they are used to comparing it with the bank that says the interest rate is 3. 3%. If you can walk, of course the bank will be better.

But what is a loan shark? The state has clear rules about usury: 24% - 36% of the annual borrowing interest is normal borrowing interest, more than 36% is usury and the borrower is not allowed to pay more than 36% of that part of the interest.

Credit companies are generally unsecured and unsecured, so they are not comparable to bank loans. In addition, credit companies generally have high operating costs, high risk and low requirements, so the interest rate is higher than the bank is normal. But not usury.

Thirdly, it is suspected that the loan business procedures are troublesome and require too much information to carry out.

Credit companies are willing to lend money to you, you neither know nor have anything to do with it, you say credit companies lend money to a stranger, even without information, they all dare to lend money? By providing some basic information, the credit company will only know if you have the ability to repay the loan and only how much to lend you, and you will have no pressure to repay it. After all, loans are not successful for everyone who borrows, and those who do not qualify are basically rejected.

Unlike friends and family, we know each other very well and should not borrow debt, the heart still counts. Credit companies take some risks and need some basic information.

The above three points are both the reasons why many people have difficulty accepting loans and some misconceptions.

So what are the problematic effects of loans? The truth is that poor people are saving money and rich people are thinking about how to make more money, so for them it is acceptable to take corporate loans for them to make more profit through themselves.

Now the loan company will generally credit, personal credit report is also the most fully reflect the degree of their own a person's credit risk, if you credit is very good, there is no overdue ever, the query is not much, this kind of go bank development words is very convenient.

I hope everyone can treat their "credit wealth" correctly, establish their own good financial and consumption habits, improve - the value of credit wealth, accumulate credit wealth, and create a better life!

To sum up, we don't have to rule out loans, we can choose whether to take out a loan or not, but we can look at loans more rationally. Loans are not shameful, and loans are not as terrible as people think, look at it rationally.


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